Mar. 25, 2005

The ex-boyfriend called me, keeping that long-time promise that he'd let me know as soon as he found out whether he was accepted into the University of Florida or not.

Of course he was. (I, however, was not. I'm unaffected by the news.)

I got that feeling when I was talking to him, and I knew it had never fully gone away. I told him that I want to paint my room monochrome--that I love the feeling of being in a black and white picture (so surreal), but I didn't tell him that it's the same feeling I get when I talk to him.

I miss him.

I can sense that he misses me, also, but neither of us will admit it and neither of us desire to be with the other again. It's a lonely, broken love story and we're both antagonists.

Posted by Sarah at 8:52 p.m.

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